Saturday, October 01, 2005
The vsFTPd resources
vsFTPd is short-form for very secure File Transfer Protocol daemon. It works in UNIX-like systems.
vsFTPd download
tar.gz []
rpm, please search Google with "VSFTPD RPM"
vsFTPd install<br>
please follow instructions of README file and EXAMPLE directory if you install with source package, i.e. tar.gz
vsFTPd configuration
A step by step example []. It's a old one, but may help you at very first time.
Detailed description of every parameters []
Official vsftpd FAQ (also included in the release package) []
Configuration in
others FTPd in Linux/Unix
Wu-ftpd []
Linux networking tutorial
YoLinux Tutorial - Linux Networking []
Friday, September 30, 2005
Northwestern tennis event to support Gullikson Foundation
Northwestern University will serve as host for the Tim & Tom Gullikson Foundation Great Lakes Smash Friday and Saturday at the Combe Tennis Center.
Hosted by former ATP standout Todd Martin, a Northwestern graduate, and former Davis Cup captain Tom Gullikson, the weekend combines tennis activities and social events to benefit the Tim & Tom Gullikson Foundation.
The Gullikson Foundation was established in 1995 after Tim Gullikson, a former men's pro tennis tour player and coach of tennis elites such as Pete Sampras and Martina Navratilova, was diagnosed with brain tumors. Tim, his identical twin brother Tom, and their families started the foundation to provide support and assistance for brain-tumor patients and their families by funding care and support programs.
Other events include a junior clinic, conducted by Martin, Gullikson and the Wildcat team at 5 p.m. Friday and a Pro-Am throughout Saturday. Donors will have an opportunity to play with and against Martin, Gullikson, current and former Wildcats and area pros. Silent auction items will also be on display, including autographed memorabilia.
The highlight will be a team tennis exhibition featuring Martin and Gullikson, starting at 3 p.m. Saturday.
For information, contact Paul Torricelli at (847) 491-4644.
Form , the news comes with more shock to me.
Google To Buddy Up With NASA!
"A representative from the search engine colossus explained NASA and Google have done little more than ink a "memorandum of understanding," committing the two parties to work together in a range of areas including IT solutions, data management and nanotechnology. As part of the venture, Google will develop one million square feet of real estate at NASA's Ames Research Center."
Only a deal on real estate ? I believe the hand of Google has reached the moon and the universe.
Today I saw a funny word, "before half a year, people said M$ monopolized the OS, browser and text-editing tool. But now, people start to worry about future of Bill Gates (Microsoft's CEO)"
Let us remember the name: Eric Schmidt .
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Li Min's Homepage
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Try to abandon the cracked software in my computer
1. KingSoft PowerWord 2005 (Dominative Chinese-Engish dictionary)
2. Microsoft Office 2003 (Maybe I could try openoffice. it's easy to use in Linux, and same UI and function as M$ Office)
3.Flashget? I forgot whether it's cracked or not.
4.Longman Dictionary (I buy a second hand dictionary without CDROM)
Try to eliminate 3 and 5 if any alternative products exist.
今天读文章,算是记住三个人名:两个是记恨,一个是读史。头两个中,A是"经济日报"的主笔-马凯(名字让我想起幼儿园的同名小朋友,我小时候管他叫Ma Kua),B是 所谓写毛传的女作家-张戎,都是唯恐中国不乱的人物。马凯在杂志上撰文《大陆经济为什么还不崩溃--我的自圆其说》,首先说中国农村剩余人口是个大炸弹, 一定会爆发,中国政体要垮台。这位先生又说为什么等了这么多年,还不爆发,而且越发展越好呢?开始东拉西扯找理由,无外忽什么经济发展吸收了剩余劳动力, 人民穷惯了,所以现在就想挣钱不想政治,再说中国领导人开始的只会打仗,后来不知怎么地,选拔出几个优秀的领导人,历数邓,胡,小胡,连江都夸了一番,说 是领导人的优秀延缓了中国的崩溃。看到这里我就奇怪了,为什么台湾地区这么民主,这么自由,怎么出不了一个看得上眼的领导人呢,你可别说你们台湾小,这只 能让我觉得你们真的是个夜郎国。最后马凯先生预言,中国愈发展,加工出口业的利润越低,而无法成为台湾那样“资本和技术密集”的模式,最终会让他的梦想成 真,真是可笑,不知道自己几斤几两。最让我纳闷的一句话说,中国最终将耗尽全球的粮食,能源和矿物,我想他真是美国人的狗腿,我们现在13亿人都没怎么吃过外国粮食,突然一下子就会把全世界的粮食吃光了?美国人现在消耗超过三成,他怎么哼也不敢哼一声!唉,he’s sucking up to the boss. 张 女士为了写她的毛传而考察出来的史实就更加轰动了,说国民党内部出了四个我们的内奸,一为方某,说是把蒋经国骗到苏联作人质,二为张治中,为了引日本南下 而不北进苏联爆发淞沪会战,三为胡宗南,四为白崇喜(不是记得太清楚)。我又糊涂了,隐隐让我想起看过一个讽刺小片子,说我地下党潜入敌后,每每陷入危 机,对方总是主动对暗号,表明自己也是地下党,对来对去,发现整个敌后都是我们的人,ft。当时这个小片子是讽刺有些革命题材的影片过于理想化,现在不想让张女士找到了“历史”根据。呵呵,幸哉。
忘了说读史记住的那个人,是赫连勃勃,此人 乃大夏皇帝,夺走汉族统治的长安,却只留给自己的儿子,自己返回统万城继续当游牧皇帝。这片文章是从《中国国家地理》上看来的,文章写的不错,说由于游牧 民族不善书写,所以历史由农业文明的人传承,故史书里记载赫连勃勃生性残暴,若有人敢侧目,剜眼,如有人敢上谏言,先割舌,再杀头;领工匠造箭盾,若箭入 盾,杀盾工,若箭不入盾,杀箭工。可能么?不能偏听偏信,更不能盲听盲信,请走好,马老和张老,我们是不会被你们和平地演变!