Thursday, January 17, 2008
Boost Graph Library笔记
今天因为程序要用,把The Boost Graph Library: User Guide and Reference Manual这本书借了过来,发现作者Lie-Quan Lee竟然是浙江大学物理系毕业的,牛人啊,景仰,因为BGL的代码是在太复杂了。
1. vertex descriptor 和 edge descriptors 就是图中vertex和edge的类型,如果知道一个图的类型为graph_t,总可以通过以下代码得到相应的vertex and edge descriptor
graph_traits< graph_t >::vertex_descriptor
graph_traits< graph_t >::edge_descriptor
2.Porperty Maps。这个比较复杂,我是写了一个例程才明白一二的。
using namespace boost;
typedef adjacency_list < listS, listS, undirectedS,
property < vertex_name_t, std::string > > graph_t;
typedef property_map < graph_t, vertex_name_t >::type name_map_t;
typedef graph_traits < graph_t >::vertex_descriptor VertexDescrip;graph_t myG(3);
VertexDescrip a, b, c;
name_map_t vertexNameMap = get(vertex_name, myG);
a = add_vertex(myG); vertexNameMap[a] = std::string("first");
b = add_vertex(myG); vertexNameMap[b] = "second";
c = add_vertex(myG); vertexNameMap[c] = "third";
其中property < vertex_name_t, std::string >就是定义vertex_name_t的类型是std::string. vertex_name_t是内置类型,我们也可以自定义类型,比如property < vertex_color_t, RGB >,只要符合vertex_***_t这个命名规则并且事先注册之就可以了。注册方法如下:
namespace boost {
enum vertex_color_t { vertex_color = 123}; // a unique #
typedef property_map < graph_t, vertex_name_t >::type name_map_t;
name_map_t vertexNameMap = get(vertex_name, myG); //实例化
a = add_vertex(myG); vertexNameMap[a] = std::string("first");
3. 端点和边的遍历
graph_traits< graph_t >::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end;
for (tie(vi, vi_end)= vertices(myG); vi != vi_end; ++vi)
std::cout << vertexNameMap(*vi);
typedef graph_traits< graph_t >::vertex_iterator v_iter_t
for (std::pair< v_iter_t, v_iter_t > p = vertices(myG); p.first!= p.second; ++p.first)
std::cout << vertexNameMap(*p.first);
4. 加入点和边。
// Add vertices
vertex1 = add_vertex(g);
vertex2 = add_vertex(g);
// Add edges
typedef graph_traits<graph_t>::edge_descriptor EdgeDescrip;
EdgeDescrip edge1;
bool inserted = false;
tie(edge1, inserted) = add_edge( vertex1, vertex2, g);
assert ( inserted );
一般用adjacency_list表示,若是密度大的图dense graph (if |E| == square(|V|)),可以用adjacency_matrix表示。
- reverse_graph()用来翻转边的指向
- filtered_graph()可以指定条件来过滤某些边或者端点
- depth_first_search()
- breadth_first_search()
- for a vertex, in_edges(), out_edges(), and adjacent_vertices()
- for a edge, source(e, g) and target(e, g)
Monday, January 14, 2008
Export STL in C++
General guidelines are listed here.
How do I export STL components? Why do I get an access violation when accessing STL objects created in a DLL?
It is possible to export an instantiation of a Standard Template Library (STL) class. You can also export a class that contains a data member that is an STL object.
Note that you may not export a generalized template. The template must be instantiated, that is, all of the template parameters must be supplied and must be completely defined types at the point of instantiation. For instance "stack;" instantiates the STL stack class. The instantiation forces all members of class stack to be generated.
For details see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
- ARTICLE-ID: Q168958
- TITLE: HOWTO: Exporting STL Components Inside and Outside a Class
When accessing a STL object created in one DLL or EXE through a pointer or reference in a different DLL or EXE, you may experience an access violation or other serious program errors including the appearance of data corruption or data loss. For details see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
- ARTICLE-ID: Q172396
- TITLE PRB: Access Violation Caused when Accessing STL Object in DLL
Generally, NO good solutions for return a STL object from a DLL :(
A more detailed article briefly introduce the history and trend of export feature in C++ (exported Templates)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Make Windows Live Writer compatible with Blogger
- In Windows Live Writer, Weblog -> Add Weblog Account...
- Choose Another weblog service
- Weblog URL enter, username is your gmail account, e.g. and password is your gmail password, you could choose to store it locally
- Type of Weblog is Blogger; and the <feed-id> in Remote Posting URL is the number shown in your blogger setting page address, e.g.*******
- All left are account details. have fun!
A more detail instruction could be found here (maybe somehow out of date),